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283 products

    283 products
    Mindfulness and Young People
    Susan Bogels, Dr Tony Bates + More
    ACP Ireland Gathering 2022
    Julieanne Moran
    The Lord Has Spoken
    Fr Fio Mascarenhas + More
    "A Storm Unleashed from the water of the Abyss"
    John Bird
    Launch Out Into The Deep
    Rev Ruth Patterson + Jean-Luc Moens
    St Therese of Lisieux and Divine Mercy
    Fr Pat Collins
    God of Mercy and Compassion
    Fr Pat Collins + Michelle Moran
    The Spirituality of True Self-Esteem
    Fr Jim McManus
    Love is Patient, Love is Kind
    Fr Stan Fortuna
    What God Can Do
    Fr Hayden Williams OFM (Cap)
    Unbound: Freedom in Christ
    Matt Lozano and Miriam Wright
    Freedom in Christ
    Neal Lozano
    Word of God
    Frances Hogan
    Follow Me
    Frances Hogan + Fr Fio Mascarhenas
    The Ides of March
    John Bird
    If Only you knew What God Is Offering
    Fr Jim McManus
    The Way, The Truth, The Life
    Fr Rufus pereira SJ
    Prayer, Praise and Healing
    Fr Brendan Walsh
    FAITH is the GUARANTEE of the things we hope for...
    Fr Brendan Walsh
    Christ our Hope, Christ our King
    Sr Miriam Duggan
    Who Do You Say I Am...
    Frances Hogan, Fr Damian Ryan
    Pope Francis - Untying the Knots
    Mr Paul Vallely
    Already Within - Divining the hidden spring
    Fr Daniel O'Leary
    Pope Benedict XVI and the Spirit of the Liturgy
    Eamon Duffy
    Open Ground: A New landscape
    Ned Prendergast
    Communion and Co-Responsibility in the Church by Richard Gaillardetz
    Richard Gaillardetz
    Intercultural Living As Christian Mission by Anthony Gittins CSSp
    Hearing God’s Word
    Identity and Mission of the religious in the Church - Br Sean Sammon
    Hearing God’s Word
    The Story of the Christian Quarter in Jerusalem - Fr Jerome M.O'Connor
    Fr Jerome Murphy O'Connor
    The Soul's Slow Ripening - Christine Valters Paintner
    Christine Valters Paintners
    Who Do You Say I Am... I Am the bread of life!!
    Sr Briege McKenna and Fr Jack Finnegan
    Understanding the Eucharist
    Sr Briege McKenna
    Eucharist: Come and See
    Sr Briege McKenna
    The Story of St. Therese
    Things Hidden: Reading Scripture With Non Dual Eyes
    Fr Richard Rohr
    The Spirituality of Thomas Merton
    Dr Patrick O'Connell
    The Divisions Among Christians.
    Fr Pat Murray
    What Ireland needs Now to Nurture it's Soul
    Mark Patrick Hederman
    Three Issues in Spirituality
    Fr Jack Finnegan
    Travelling Light - Called to be Authentic
    Fr Daniel O'Leary
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